Friday, September 26, 2014

Life is a duty, complete it

This has been a drawn out process but I am determined to complete this task. Today I am tackling "Life is a duty, complete it".

I feel I have a duty to myself and whoever might actually be reading this to complete this little assignment of getting through this quote.

My biggest goal right now is getting through school. It's my first semester at UNCC. I graduated from Gaston in 2011. That's kind of a big gap of time to be jumping back in and I am finding myself getting overwhelmed already. That's pretty bad considering I've only been there for a month. But I am really trying to focus and stay on top of things. But one thing that has surprised me is how difficult this has been with Izzy. I thought it would be easier with a six year old than it was with a newborn when I started at Gaston. I am finding it hard to sit down and focus because my child seems to think that I am her servant. It's pretty much constant interruptions. She wants me to get things for her. Instead of drinking a Capri Sun, she wants something that I would have to pour in a glass for her. She doesn't want anything to eat when I ask her but as soon as I sit down to do something, she's ready for food. And I'm not one to publicly bash people on social media but her dad doesn't help out a whole lot. Mostly his excuse is work and sleep. But now he has a girlfriend so she takes up some of his time too. I often hear from him that he's too tired or too busy to keep Izzy for longer than about an hour or so a few days a week. Apparently how I feel doesn't matter. Apparently I am super mom and can do it all without every feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. I so wish that were true. I will gladly spend every minute of everyday taking care of my daughter even if it means I don't get anything for myself. No time for a relationship, no time to focus on my weight loss like I should. No time to just sit and relax with no interruptions. I barely even have time for homework. But that's not as important as a job because I don't get paid to go to school. Right?

This is my life and I accept it the way it is. But it sure would be nice to get a real break every now and then. But I seem to be digressing. So to get back on track, school is my duty and I am determined to complete it. I don't wanna give up. I hope I have the willpower to stick with it. My life will not be complete until I can call myself a teacher. I also want to find someone and get married and maybe have another kid or two. I don't feel like that's asking too much. So hopefully I will be deemed worthy enough to obtain my goals. I don't wanna look back on my life with more regrets.

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